Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lists of vegan options at a few shops I love to go to

Sometimes it can be a challenge to find vegan options if they don't have a vegan section. I usually will go to a list of vegan options at stores so I can write down items I'd like to get before I shop besides the obvious fruits and veggies. Here they are:

1. Trader Joes 
2. Whole Foods  (Couldn't find vegan whole foods list yet but did find vegan comfort food recipes! )
3. Starbucks  (There are many other vegan starbucks links but this one was cool and it had pics)

 This next list isn't a store but it is one of my favorites! The accidental vegan food list from PETA
4. Accidentally Vegan food List

And finally for your eyes to feast area  few photos of the food I got with my hubby at Veggie Grill. If you haven't gone there yet, please go. It is amazing and sooo yummy!! Oh and EVERYTHING is vegan there :D