Sunday, June 2, 2013

Vegan comfort food

Every now and then I need some comfort food. I was raised with soy and almond miks so I have never craved cow's mik but if you are transitioning to vegan and giving up milk sometimes it can take a bit to find your favorite substitutes. I would start with almond, and if that isn't your cup of tea you can try soy, hemp and rice milks. Here are some of my favorite vegan comfort foods. What are some of yours?

                                 1. Mashed potatoes, gravy and vegan "sausage"

I know some people say they never crave meat but I have a lot of guy friends that eat meat and they say they have a hard time giving it up when transitioning to vegan and I tell them to start off with vegan sausages. It is very easy to be vegan. It isn't hard and I personally think vegan food tastes so much better and it isn't clogging your arteries! If you know how to marinate faux meats, tofu and other items you won't miss the meat. For vegan sausages there are some really good ones out there and who doesn't love mashed potatoes and gravy? It is simple for us to make vegan gravy. We simply make the base with vegan butter and some veggie broth. I always find that if you add a natural herb to anything it will taste one hundred times better. We grow a lot of wonderful herbs in our garden an we love putting rosemary, dill or sage on our potatoes and faux meats.

2. Vegan holiday nog

I love holiday nog so much. It brings me back to my childhood. My favorite way to have this is either cold in the morning or warm in the evening with a dash of cinnamon on the top. Drink it alone or with your favorite non dairy cookies! Its also way less fat than regular egg nog you find in stores. Safeway and Whole Foods both carry vegan nog. 

3. Pastas

Pastas are wonderful. If you don't do carbs you can have zucchini pasta or rice pasta like friends have made me in the picture. I love eating pasta both ways but at times gluten can feel a bit heavy so it is fun to eat a lighter version. 

4. Wine and Champagne 

Well they aren't foods but they'll do. Some vegans and vegetarians are straight edge and if you are you can make non alcoholic drink mixes that taste very good. I however am not straight edge and enjoy the occasional weekly wine or cocktail. Just make sure you find vegan wines made without fish! Here is a good list: Barnivore 

5. Last but not least: Vegan chocolate chip pancakes! 

This one is important! Chocolate elevates one's mood or at least it elevates mine. Whenever I'm having a bad day I whip up one of these bad boys and I'm good to go. 

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