Monday, September 15, 2014

Vegan pumpkin spiced latte DIY

Don't get too down about not being able to drink the pumpkin flavored coffees at cafe's if you are vegan. To be honest, most of the ones my friends have tried are far too sweet and full of junk. I personally enjoy to make my own healthier, less sugar, vegan version of a spiced latte.

What you need:

1. Pumpkin flavored coffee or if you want something sweet try regular coffee and pumpkin flavor syrup. (I warn you it does get sweet so use as much or as little as you like. I personally like a bit less sugar so I just sweeten my coffee with organic sugar. )

2. Vanilla flavored almond milk or vanilla flavored soy milk

3. Vegan whip cream to top

4. Dash of cinnamon or nutmeg

Brew espresso use one or two shots or if you don't have espresso maker you can brew medium to strong cup of coffee, warm milk up on stove top and combine with coffee. (Use as much or as little to your liking. To make it more latte' you can use more milk if you wish.) Top with dollop of vegan whip cream, throw a dash of cinnamon or spices on there and voila!